What has happened in the past years?
Top Quality Car Show & Cruise
On the “Old US 12” / Jackson Road Boulevard in the heart of Scio Township home of the greatest concentration of Auto Dealers in the State of Michigan! This is a top-quality Car Show and Cruise featuring hundreds of exotic, antique, classic, and one of a kind cars at locations along the 5 mile 4 lane Boulevard.
A Vision in 1988The Scio Township Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Design studies were initiated for Jackson Road, and a boulevard was determined as the safest and greenest option. It has become a source of pride and pleasure for the businesses and local residents.
The price tag for this three phase development including work done by MDOT at the Zeeb and Baker interchanges is around $75 million. $42 million came from local taxes and $33 million from federal funds. Without vision and hard work we would not have this opportunity for a “Cruise Event”. Thank you to all that have worked on this project over the last twenty years! |
Washtenaw County was established January 1, 1827, ten years after the University of Michigan was founded. Originally a Native American foot path, the St. Joseph Trail was created in 1684. In 1829, the “Territorial Road” was built.
In 1926 the federal route system changed its name to US-12. It ran from downtown Detroit to Chicago. In mid-1956 the Detroit Industrial Expressway was extended west to Ann Arbor. US-12 was replaced by Interstate I-94 in 1962 and the state of Michigan rerouted the US-12 designation to US-112. The road was then named Old US-12 and now Jackson Road. The Boulevard has been developed over the last twenty years and is now complete for a full 7 miles of four lanes with a beautiful landscaped boulevard. It has the greatest concentration of Auto Dealers in this “Motor Mile” in Michigan. |
Classy and ClassicIs it a “classic” driver in a “classy” car or a “classy” driver in a “classic” car? That’s in the eye of the beholder! Classic Car Club of America defines “classic” as a “fine” or “distinctive” auto, either American or foreign built, produced between 1925 and 1948.
For a classic license a vehicle must be: A motor vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured at least 15 years prior to the current year which has been maintained in or restored to a condition which is substantially in conformity with manufacturer specifications and appearance. Sleek lines, elegant styling, outstanding engineering, and fine workmanship all come to mind in describing a classic vehicle. Then there are those vehicles that fit the timeline but are “mutts” and we all still love a “mutt”. So bring the family and come on down to this event and have fun! |